KIYO 21G+ Quantum Analyzer with Therapy
Key Features:
Quantum Diagnostic Technology – Utilizes quantum resonance technology to analyze the body's bioelectromagnetic field, offering detailed insights into overall health.
Integrated Therapy Function – Provides therapeutic treatments, including electromagnetic therapy, designed to relieve pain, improve circulation, and promote overall wellness.
Full Body Analysis – Detects imbalances in various systems such as cardiovascular, digestive, skeletal, and endocrine, giving a detailed report of health conditions.
Non-Invasive & Safe – The device uses non-invasive techniques to assess health, making it safe for regular use without the need for blood tests or other invasive procedures.
Portable Design – Comes with a compact, portable case, making it easy to carry and set up for home use or in professional healthcare environments.
Multiple Attachments – Equipped with therapy pads, foot massager, and other accessories to enhance the therapy experience and target different parts of the body.
Easy to Operate – Simple interface with detailed instructions, allowing users to perform full body diagnostics and treatments easily.